EUMOFA Talk - Blue bioeconomy: latest trends and innovation in the algae sector - European Maritime Day 2023
EUMOFA is pleased to invite you to the upcoming workshop “Blue bioeconomy: latest trends and innovation in the algae sector”, which will be held in person on 25 May 2023, from 14:30 to 15:45 CET at the European Maritime Day in Brest, France.
EUMOFA released the 2022 edition of Blue Bioeconomy Report, a study published every two years which addresses the trends and innovation in the sectors from an EU perspective. The 2022 edition focuses on the latest developments in micro- and macroalgae cultivation systems, challenges and opportunities linked with sargassum, seaweed as blue carbon, and how seaweed can transform regional economies.
The EUMOFA Team will present the main findings of the report and will encourage the audience to provide feedback that, amongst other things, will be channelled into the work of EU algae-related initiatives.
After presenting results, there will be a Q&A session and a group discussion.
The panel members will include:
- Meredith Lloyd Evans, BioBridge – Founder
- Antoine Erwes, Seaweed First – Co-Founder
- Lucas Herry, EUMOFA – Market Analyst
- Julien Potier, EUMOFA – Consultant
Moderator: Alessandro Pititto, EUMOFA Team
Please register to the European Maritime Day and add the EUMOFA workshop to your Agenda. Registration is open until 19 May.
The EUMOFA Team will be also on hand throughout the two-day event at its stand to offer practical demonstrations on how to access data and key information on the European fisheries and aquaculture market available on its website.
The location : BREST EXPO - Parc des Expositions de Penfeld, Route de Brest, 29820 Guilers, France
For media inquiries, please contact the EUMOFA Team at
The talk will be recorded and available on and EUMOFA YouTube channel.
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