
EUMOFA Monthly Highlights No. 6/2024 is online

This month’s issue analyses first sales of Atlantic herring in Estonia, Denmark and Sweden and Atlantic horse mackerel in Ireland, Portugal and Spain. The case studies of this month are: “Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Middle East” and “Hake in the EU”.

FIRST SALES OF ATLANTIC HERRING AND ATLANTIC HORSE MACKEREL. Over the 36-month observation period (May 2021 - April 2024), the weighted average first-sales price of Atlantic herring in Denmark was 0,74 EUR/kg, which was 153 higher than in Estonia (0,29 EUR/kg), and 51% higher than in Sweden (0,49 EUR/kg). During the same period, the weighted average first-sales price of Atlantic horse mackerel in Portugal was 1,41 EUR/kg, 20% higher than in Spain (1,17 EUR/kg).

EXTRA-EU IMPORTS. In 2024, the price of frozen fillets of mackerel from Iceland showed some fluctuations and an increasing trend. The price ranged between 2,54 EUR/kg and 3,10 EUR/kg, and volume fluctuated strongly between 6 tonnes and 650 tonnes.

CONSUMPTION. This month we focus on whiting in France. The average monthly consumption of whiting in France shows a decreasing trend when compared to previous years. With the amount of 1.327 tonnes in 2024, it was 15% and 28% lower than in the same period in 2023 and 2021, respectively.

The most recent consumption data can be accessed here.

FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE IN THE MIDDLE EAST.In 2023, the EU imported 146.855 tonnes of fishery and aquaculture products from the Middle East at a value of EUR 830 million. Compared to 2022, this was an increase of 10% in volume and 9% in terms of value.

HAKE IN THE EU. In 2022, landings of hake in the EU reached 135.270 tonnes at a value of EUR 435 million, with Spain accounting for more than 71% of the total volume.

MACROECONOMIC CONTEXT. Average prices for marine fuel in June 2024 ranged between 0,64 and 0,74 EUR/litre in ports in France, Italy, Spain and the UK. Prices decreased by 7,9% compared with the previous month and increased by an average of 6,1% compared with the same month in 2023.

Monthly Highlights 6/2024 is available for download here.


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